Morning Announcements for 3/12/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 3/12/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders welcome to the Daily edition of our Raider rundown here are the announcements for Wednesday March 12th 2025 I am Moline gregersen and I'm Angela Caravan today is an A Day With periods 1 to 4 lunch will be a vegetarian chili with rice steamed broccoli or carrots fruit slushie pineapple chunks and a whole grain roll tomorrow's breakfast will be cheese or toast yogurt fresh fruit and crains just a reminder Mrs dressler's period 3 class has lunch duty today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period attention all teachers and students we have a College admissions expert coming to campus tomorrow March 13th during lunch to give advice on applying for college he is over 30 years experience the meeting will be held in Mr Bullock's room b1a everyone including staff is welcome attention all seniors are you considering Kawaii Community College for your next step after graduation representatives from KCC will be on campus today to answer all your questions it will be held on Wednesday March 12th from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. it will be in the downstairs Library this is a perfect opportunity to 1 apply directly to KCC during the session uh 2 begin your enrollment process on the spot and 3 learn about available programs and majors and 4 ask questions about financial aid and scholarships 5 get a feel for campus life and resources stop by during the visit times or see your counselor for more information don't miss this chance to not only explore what Kawaii Community College has to offer but to actually apply and begin your enrollment Journey bring your questions and be ready to take the first steps toward your future at KCC thank you Aloha all students and faculty the Kawaii high school student Association which consists of student leadership classes Student Government committees and clubs are pleased to present the upcoming activities throughout the rest of the week and fourth quarter please check your school email or our Instagram at Kawaii School underscore hi underscore score student underscore activities for updated information during these last school days before spring break our leadership classes are hosting a series of advocacy campaigns based on student voice and topics they are passionate about they will be sharing information resources and activities Mahalo to our generous Community organizations such as Hal opio that our students have collaborated with to bring in a helpful resources to our student body come check them out this week in East Courtyard PE field or old gym during lunch here are some upcoming events Wednesday March 12th uh we will have our national cancer awareness leukemia and kidney cancer uh campaigns held Thursday March 13th will be the health and fitness flag football during lunch in the PE field on Friday March 14th there will be live music with KHS talent in the lunch at lunch during e in the East Courtyard Tuesday March 25th senior capping gown distribution will be during advisory in the downstairs Library on Saturday March 29th we will have our junior senior prom at the Hyatt on Friday April 4th is the all sports assembly there will be a morning assembly schedule attention all teachers and students please note that this Friday March 14th gooey High School food pantry will be open during lunch recess and not during morning us thank you attention all teachers and students hey Raiders our leadership period 3 class will be holding a leukemia awareness coin toss during lunch recess today March 12th come on down with your spare change to play and receive a prize all change will be then donated to American Cancer Society hope to see you there attention all students join us in the East Courtyard to show awareness for kidney cancer and get your orange ribbon to show your support attention all students who are signed up for early college math next school year there will be and mandatory informational meeting today March 12th during lunch recess in the library we will be going over course expectations and handing out the Early College agreements thank you these are your announcements for today have a great day