Morning Announcements for 3/6/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 3/6/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders welcome to the Daily edition of our Raider rundown here are the announcements for Thursday March 6th 2025 I am Michaela castella Ramos and I'm Evan Burgess today is a b day with periods 5 through 7 today's lunch will be chicken pot stickers baby carrots celery sticks and fresh fruit tomorrow's breakfast will be cinnamon bread pudding pork sausage patty Craisins and sliced peaches just a reminder Miss Donner's period 6 class has lunch duty today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period attention all students on Tuesday March 11th in the East Courtyard during lunch leadership will be host posting a pages of your past event this event will consist of you writing about your accomplishments in Life or something you faced and overcame whatever is written will be anonymous and whoever participates will get donuts and popcorn attention all students who signed up for early college math next school year there will be a mandatory information meeting on Wednesday March 12th during lunch recess in the library we'll be going over course expectations and handing out the Early College agreement thank you attention all deck members there will be a Deca meeting today during lunch in Mrs Ozarks classroom we'll discuss end of view reports and activities vote for next year's officers and celebrate our successes see you there attention all credit recovery students there will be Credit Recovery during spring break go to u101 from 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday March 17th to Friday March 21st registration forms are in the office see your counselor if you don't know if you have a credit recovery course to complete thank you attention all students that attended the drivers Ed classes if you have completed a driver's education class you must turn in your complete packet and notorious certificates can be mailed any incomplete packet will be returned to you also at this point in time the driver's ed classes on hold as Mrs mishiro has retired thank you these are announcements for today have an outstanding day