Morning Announcements for 2/26/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/26/25 Show Transcript good morning Raiders welcome to the Daily edition of raider rundown here are the announcements for Wednesday February 26th 2025 I'm a male to Bea and I'm Jacob Gio today is an A Day With periods 1 through 4 today's lunch will be chili cheese nachos tomorrow's breakfast will be Portuguese sausage and rice applesauce and sliced peaches just a reminder Mr Tango's peered through your class has lunch duty today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period attention all 11th grade students reminded at 11th graders with last names of Baba to loan please report to the ACT Testing location if you haven't done so already students with last names Gladiator to Zamora will be testing tomorrow Thursday February 27th remember to have a healthy breakfast you also need to bring your School lady sharpen number 2 pencil A permitted calculator water a snack and a light jacket or hoodie good luck Juniors attention all this week in the library both Juniors and seniors will be able to to pay the February 26th to the 28th students will need to bring their school ID sign prompt agreement signed permission form a clear printed copy of your attire and assign B 4 form copy of insurance and driver's license if you're driving you will also need need your prompt payment of dollars in cash only all guests will also need to provide these items when paying Caesar limited so make sure you get yours thank you attention all Juniors and seniors are going to ask someone to be your prom date and to your prompt also video and our prompt postal contest for a chance to win a prize submissions are due by March 22nd QR codes are posted around campus and on our Instagram page attention all Juniors and seniors self-nomination form will be going out in the next upcoming week you can find this form in your school email seniors can run for prom queen or King and juniors can run for prom prince and princess the formal clothes 2 weeks after they open attention senior class is 2025 just a reminder that we are still collecting guide payments until March 8th 2025 packets are available in the schools main office in honor of quiet High School website and the senior section registration fee is $160 cash payment only no checks will be accepted please bring completed forms and cash payment to the school's main office mahalo attention all friends reminder that I updates during the team reach account using the code KS is 28 we are thrilled to share some exciting news from the DECA competition this past week on Wahoo our students gave it their all showcasing their skills and both the exam phase and the roleplay performance competition our 2025 for state competition winning for hospitality and tourism team decision-making third place overall Venice adoa and Destiny Nuen ranked top and overall Taylor here in NACA and Zyra Marie for marketing management team decision-making for first place overall Alec out and honeyland kamayan for the 2025 Hawaii state Deca exam top scorers in marketing Communications first place kaisen bazara Business Services marketing ranked top 6 Miami mizutani hospitality Services second place Taylor hiranaka marketing management first place alakadal marketing management second place honey link kamayan Deca emerging leadership essay recipient winners Zara Market Jose Valencia Destiny Nuen I look it out and then is an i huge congratulations to all our de competitors Administration staff and the community members who supported our students at Qui High and these are your announcements for today have standing there