Morning Announcements for 2/24/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/24/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders welcome to the Daily edition of our Raider rundown here are the announcements for Monday February 24th 2025 I'm pael Ramirez and I'm Lilia Foster today is an A Day With periods 1 through 4 today's lunch will be cheese pizza celery sticks fresh fruit and edamame Tuesday's breakfast this will be pizza bagel with fresh fruit just a reminder Mr Green's period 3 class has lunch duty today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period attention all teachers and students since the Kawaii High School food pantry distribution will be during morning recess this Friday February 28th thank you attention senior class of 2025 just a reminder that we are still collecting Project Graduation payments until March 2025 packets are available in the schools main office and on our Kawaii High School website in the senior section registration fee is $160 cash payments only no checks will be accepted please bring completed forms and cash payment to schools May in office mahalo attention all freshmen reminder that our cookie Corner fundraiser is active and that freshmen need to sell a minimum of 3 bags for more updates join the team reach account use code KHS Raiders 28 attention all students do you write poetry like drawing painting or photography please consider submitting your original work for publication in this year's Kona collection see the QR code provided by your English and arts teachers we can't wait to see what you have to share hey guys uh we just returned from our engineering skills USA competition in Wahoo where where we had to do is that we had to we only have 1 month to find a problem within our community and then present a prototype and solution to that problem and present it in front of a panel of judges because we're learning experience and it was good to see other engineering projects that were done at all as well as travel and see somewhere new these are your announcements for today I have a great day