Morning Announcements for 2/19/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/19/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders welcome to the Daily edition of our Raider rundown here are the announcements for Wednesday February 19th 2025 I'm Lauren and I'm Leah today is 8 with periods 1 through 4 today's lunch will be hamburger Curry green salad with cucumbers fruit juice pineapple chunks and a whole grain roll there's a breakfast will be breakfast burrito salsa pineapple chunks and fresh fruit just a reminder Miss Lis period 3 class has afternoon today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period attention Juniors and seniors visit visit Kawaii Community College find your future export KCC is diverse academic programs and free lunch on Friday Mets February 28th pick up your permission slip from Mr Gardner in room 8203 space is limited and spots will be giving up on first come first serve basis attention all students and teachers the food pantry will be open this Friday February 21st during morning recess is I-35 attention all teachers and students congrats to the swim team for another successful state championship congrats to Tyler Cole Brandon Lin Shaye Moises Colton Sanchez and team captain Liam 1 everyone plays higher than seated with the boys team making finals and Brandon placing fourth in his events congrats to your kif Champions representing the best of our Island attention all students grades 9 through 11 that register for AP of course it's next school year 2025 to 2026 as a reminder if you want to remain registered to take an AP course next year you must complete the AP commitment agreement activities that are now available on the course registration website located on our school's website under students to take an AP course you must number 1 watch the information on video or go to an in-person meeting for their selected AP course dates for interesting meetings are provided in place of a video 2 complete an AP information meeting attendance for each course you register for 3 turn in apparent sign a commitment agreement form to the teacher listed 1 form must be completed for each AP class you want to be in students that do not complete these tasks on time by April 17th will be removed from the AP list and placed in the next course option if you didn't sign up for an AP course but are now interested you can still be placed on the AP course list by seeing your counselor and completing the 3 tasks mentioned attention all seniors this Friday the 21st is the last day we will be accepting senior ads for the yearbook please pay at the office and use this link to turn in your design or photos Mahalo attention all students interested in Track and Field track season is right around the corner signups are available at the main office come sign up during non-instructional time attention all students for those interested in playing boys volleyball try outs will be held today and tomorrow from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the new Red Raider Dome please didn't show that you have an updated physical in order to try out we hope to see you there these are your announcements for today have a wonderful day