Morning Announcements for 2/18/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/18/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders welcome to the Daily edition of our Raider rundown here are the announcements for Tuesday February 18th 2025 I'm Jacob chiho and I'm Sydney EO today is a b day with periods 5 through 7 today's lunch will be mini corn dogs baby carrots celery sticks and fresh fruit tomorrow's breakfast will be breakfast chicken patty steamed dress dice pears and sliced peaches just a reminder Miss Lis period 6 class today has lunch duty a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to beginning of the Lunch Period attention Juniors and seniors visit Kauai Community College find your future Explorer kcc's diverse academic programs and free lunch on Friday February 28th pick up your permission slip from Mr Gardener's room in a 203 space is limited and spots will be given on a first come first serve basis attention students registered for 1 or more AP courses next school year these are the steps required to take an AP course go to the website below and follow the instructions provided attend an AP course information and commitment agreement meeting or watch the teacher video on the website complete the check-in form to prove the tenants in person or that you watch the video submit the AP commitment agreement to the courses teacher by the April 17th 2025 students will not be registered on AP roster in the fall if the due date is not met students will not be allowed to drop the course after the drop date of June 6th 2025 has passed students enrolled in an AP course must take the AP exam for the course that they are taking AP exams do have a fee there are possible waivers and payment options that you can discuss attention all teachers and students the food pantry will be open this Friday February 21st during morning recess in I35 attention all teachers and students on Tuesday February 18th come down to the east Courtyard during lunch to learn CPR from hearts for Kawaii this Friday during lunch there will be an in-person meeting for students interested in signing up for AP Computer Science principles next the meeting will be in Sea building with Mrs awhi attention all students interested in track and field track season during non-instructional time attention all seniors this Friday the 21st is the last day will be accepting senior ads for the yearbook please pay at the office and use this link being displayed on screen to turn in your design or photos mahalo attention all students for those interested in playing boys volleyball Charles will be held this week Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. today's trials will be held in the old gym Wednesday and Thursday will be held in our new raider Dome please ensure that you have an updated physical in order to try out we hope to see you there students and community members on Kawaii took a stand against driving Under the Influence by creating this new drive with Aloha mural at Kawaii High School this is in partnership with the keep it flowing mural team no this program is so important because it teaches our youth it gets them involved in our it teaches them to teach care of our facilities and it helps to educate the public and bring awareness to driver the law responsible decisions for our kids for our Pune for our neighbors for everybody here on this beautiful island today's event comes during a sad time for the keep it flowing team as they learned a family member of 1 of their team members was hit while skateboarding this happened in a hit-and-run Wednesday near the school kaon tensec is in critical condition KPD is investigating and has not ruled out that the driver was prepared the mural is in prayer and in hopes of 106 full recovery as well as all who have been impacted by impaired driving crashes if you'd like to help with 106 medical costs we have a link to the GoFundMe on our website visit our announcements for today have an awesome day