Morning Announcements for 2/13/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/13/25 Show Transcript good morning Renovators welcome to the Daily edition of our Raider rundown here are the announcements for Thursday February 13th 2025 I eventually tossa and I'm channelle keysa Juliano today is a b day with periods 5 through 7 today's lunch will be Terry Burger lettuce tomato potato wedges and celery sticks just a reminder Wilson's period 6 classes lunch duty today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period attention Juniors and seniors visit Kawaii Community College find your future Explorer KCC these diverse academic programs and free lunch on Friday February 28th pick up your permission slip from Mr Gardner in room 8203 space is limited and spots will be given on a first come first serve basis attention student students who are registered for 1 or more AP courses next school year these are the steps required to take an AP course go to the website below and follow the instruction provided attend an AP course information and commitment agreement meeting or watch the teacher video on the website complete the check-in form to prove attendance in person or that she watched the video submit the AP commandment agreement to the courses teacher by April 17th 2025 students will not be registered on an AP roster in the fall if the due date is not met students will not be allowed to drop the course after the drop date of June 6th 2025 has passed students enrolled in an AP course must take the AP exam for the course that they taking AP exams do have a fee there are possible waivers and payment options that you can discuss attention all teachers and students the food pantry will be open this Friday February 14th during morning recess in I35 attention all teachers and students this Saturday February 15th we will be doing our drive with Aloha mural from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. we want as many students there as possible since this is a community event we also encourage teachers and faculty to come out and participate food and drinks will be provided please come down to R3 and support our school and Community to paint and promote safe sober driving again it's this Saturday February 15th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at our 3 it is predicted to end earlier than 5:00 p.m. thank you attention all Juniors and seniors promise coming up real soon and so are payments payments will be from February 24th to February 28th seniors will have priority from February 24th through February 25th February 26th through February 28th will be open to Juniors and seniors when paying students will need to have no obligations payment of $100 cash only school ID son prom agreement and permission form and also a printed copy of a tire if students are driving they'll need a sign to be A4 form a copy of insurance and a copy of their job driver's license all required items will also apply to guests if you're planning to bring 1 guests must be a High School junior or senior agreements will be distributed in the main office or the library thank you attention all students on February 14th during the lunch in the East Courtyard will be hosting an event called sweets and sentiments bring up a friend and write a letter about what you like or enjoy about them and receive an ice cream of your choice we have Vanilla swirl and cookies and cream we hope to see you all there attention all students interested in Track and Field track season is right around the corner signups are available at the main office come sign up during non-instructional time attention all students interested and football next year there will be an informational meeting this Friday February 14th in the old gym please feel free to grab lunch first before heading to the old gym the meeting will start at 12:20 p.m. these are your announcements for today have awesome day yay