Morning Announcements for 2/11/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/11/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders here are your announcements for Tuesday February 11th 2025 today is a Vive hi guys I'm Chanel and this is our stem Castle Project so we are currently at hokuala and we're making game people so they're going to the Lagoon just a reminder Miss Hilton's periodic class has left you today that's what it was 6 days must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes time getting today's lunch is hot dog tater tots baby carrots and fresh fruit breakfast for tomorrow will be supposed to be sausage and rice half potent and Apple Kauai High School Foundation is sponsoring a bunch of scholarships for high school seniors for Mason here's the graphic if you have any questions please see 1 of your chances an applications are due to Mrs leaf winstein will be open this Friday during 1 inclusive I attention all teachers and students today is our sign painting day for a drive with Aloha campaign we will be painting signs today after school in R3 for our roadside rally tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. we'd like to have as many participants as possible so please come on down and show your support thank you students who applied for 1 of our AP classes next school year please see this website for information I in questions the only ideas for senior songs if so please scan the QR code poster on campus or go to the class Instagram page at ksar class of 2025 or from the link in your email attention all students who ride the school bus so as applications are currently being accepted in the main office or online all application must be submitted reviewed on a quarterly basis all applications are due on March 28th 2025 um when paying cash only cash your checks are accepted but no personal checks these are your announcements for today have a day