Daily Announcements for 2/6/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/6/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders here your announcements for Thursday February 6th 2025 I'm Luca and I'm Chris and Padilla today's schedule is a B Block periods 5 through 7 today's lunch will be chickenless tenders with rice steamed broccoli baked beans apple crisp fresh fruit and a whole grain roll breakfast tomorrow will be cinnamon bread pudding Park sausage patty craziness and sliced peaches just a reminder Mrs Kai's period 6 class has lunch due today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria at 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period attention Juniors and seniors visit Kawaii Community College find your future Explorer kcc's diverse academic programs and free lunch on Friday February 28th pick up your permission slip from Mr Gardner in room 8203 space is limited and spots will be given on a first come first serve basis attention students who registered for 1 or more AP courses next school year these are the steps required to take an AP course go to the website below and follow the instructions provided at an AP course information and commitment agreement meeting or watch the teacher video on the website complete the check-in form to prove attendance in person or that you watch the video submit the AP commitment agreement to the course's teacher by the due date April 17th 2025 here's some important notes students will not be registered on AP roster in the fall if the due date is not met students will not be allowed to drop the course after June 6th 2025 students enrolled in an AP course must take the AP exam for the course they are taking AP exams do have a fee there are possible waivers and payment options that you can discuss attention graduating seniors scholarship opportunity alert the Kawaii High School Foundation is offering an amazing opportunity for students applying to attend a 4-year college or university in Fall 2025 a total of 25 Scholars worth 84,5 are up for grabs here are some of the scholarships available 2,000 scholarships 6 $1,000 scholarships 1 2,500 scholarship and 1 $2,000 scholarship in addition to this there are 15 2000 Easy Street Foundation scholarships the application deadline is due by March 15th 2025 don't miss this chance to fund your future and achieve your college dreams for details on how to apply check the Kawaii high school scholarship list attention graduating seniors attending a community college or trade school in the fall scholarship Auntie alert the Kawaii High School Foundation is offering 13 incredible scholarships totaling 235 to support seniors pursuing higher education at Community College or trade school some of the scholarships available include 7 2,500 scholarships and 6 $1,000 scholarships the application deadline is March 14th 2025 and to Miss Lee hornstein don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your future start your application today for more information see Kauai high school scholarship listings online or visit your counselors good luck Red Raiders attention all teachers and students as we all know Super Bowl is right around the corner so in the spirit of football leadership will be having a flag football game tomorrow February 7th 2025 during lunch if you would like to part participate please scan the QR code and fill out the form that'll be posted on Flyers throughout campus see you there attention all key clubbers we will be having a general meeting tomorrow Friday February 7th in the upstairs Library during lunch please notify higher pod leaders if you're unable to attend attention all students who ride the school bus bus applications and payments for fourth quarter are being accepted in the main office or online if submitting application in the main office only cash money order or cashier checks are accepted no personal checks all School Bus applications must be reviewed submitted and approved on a quarterly basis this applies to both paid and free qualified student writers the deadline to submit applications for fourth quarter will be on March 28th 2025 thank you these are your announcements for today have a fabulous day