Morning Announcements for 2/3/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 2/3/25 Show Transcript good Morning Red Raiders here are your announcements for Monday February 3rd 2025 today's schedule is in a block with periods 1 through 4 today's lunch is chicken pot stickers baby carrots celery sticks and fresh fruits just a reminder that Miss Kai's period 3 class has lunch duty today a total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the Lunch Period tomorrow's breakfast is cheese bread stick marinara sauce and fresh fruit attention class of 2025 we will be having our second senior meeting on Wednesday February 5th at 5:30 p.m. the meeting will be held virtual so please use the link and password provided on the school website calendar important information will be shared on graduation and other upcoming events attention graduating seniors there is a scholarship opportunity the Kawaii High School Foundation is offering an amazing opportunity for students is planning to attend a 4-year college or university in Fall 2025 a total of 25 scholarships worth 84500 are up for grabs scholarships available include 2,000 Florence and Tad yoshikawa class of 1956 scholarships 5 5,000 Milton class of 1960 and Debbie Valera scholarships 1 500 KHS principal isamu myoshi Memorial Scholarship funded by Dennis wait funded by Dennis Moshe class of 1959 1 255 in memory of Lloyd taanab class of 1950 scholarship 1 $2,000 estate of Ronald hanoka class of 1958 scholarship and 152000 Easy Street Foundation scholarships the application deadline is due by March 15th 2025 don't miss this chance to find your future and achieve your college dreams for details on how to apply check the ks scholarship list attention graduating seniors attending a community college or trade school in the fall scholarship opportunity alert the Kawaii High School Foundation is offering 13 incredible scholarships totaling 23,500 to support seniors pursuing higher education at a community college or trade school scholarships available include 7 2500 Milton class of 1960 and Debbie Valera scholarship ships 61000 scholarships application deadline is due to Mrs Lee hornstein by March 14th 2025 at 2:15 p.m. don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your future start your application today for more information ekhs scholarship listing online or visit your counselor good luck Red Raiders attention all teachers and students the food pantry will be open this Friday February 7th during morning recess in the I-35 attention all principles and honorable full of students parents PTSA will be having their second quarter recognition pizza lunch today during lunch recess in front of the library please present your ID to receive your pizza attention to all students who arrive at the school bus bus applications and payments for fourth quarter are being accepted in the main office or online is submitting application in main office only cash money order or cashier checks are are accepted no personal checks all School Bus applications must be submitted reviewed and approved on a quarterly basis this applies to both paid and free qualified student writers deadline to submit applications for fourth quarter will be on March 28th 2025 thank you attention all seniors don't miss out on showcasing your senior memories with a personalized page all about you and the Yearbook price for a half page is $100 and a full page is 150 share your trucks achievements friendships and Unforgettable moments with a personalized page you may make payments at the main office this year announces for today have a great day wait what happened to the games the what the all right do you want to be be a part of this season of come on down to the main Courtyard in front of the library to play our first round of games today during lunch recess it's open to everyone but contestants will be based on a first come first play basis see you guys then and in the meantime here are some of our featured cast practicing their Korean don't so bad bang bang bang B we go hard up with that in hi are okay this is a genuine question for our audience did you guys actually hate our ASMR episode back in first first semester um hit the like button if you hated it hit the like button if you didn't hate it and you want us to do it again subscribe Thank you And subscribe to go High Media