Daily Announcements for 1/24/25 Raider Rundown - Daily Edition for 1/24/25 Show Transcript Good Morning Red Raiders welcome to the Daily edition of our Raider rundown! here are the announcements for Friday January 24th 2025. I am Neva Leong and I'm Trinity Moana. today is an A Day With periods 1 through 4. Today's lunch will be barbecue sandwich, tater tots, baked beans, coleslaw, sliced peaches and fresh fruit. Monday's breakfast will be French toast sticks, fresh fruit and fruit juice. Just a reminder, Mr Brown's period 3 class has lunch duty today. A total of 6 students must report to the cafeteria 15 minutes prior to beginning of the Lunch Period. Congrats to the Kauai High Swim Team for another successful weekend. Congrats to Brandon and Liam for picking up more states times in the 50 free, 500 free and 100 breast. To the girls as they reach closer to achieving more states times, and to Ethan for getting an official time. Last qualifying meet is this weekend at 8am at the YMCA. Champs will be the following weekend with girls looking to take back their title and boys achieving their 12th straight title. Attention to all teachers and students, the food pantry will be open this Friday January 24th during morning recess in I35. Attention all key clubbers, we will be having a general meeting today Friday January 24th during lunch in the upstairs Library please let your pod leaders know if you're unable to attend. Attention all students do you have a small business? do you make leis? bouquets? jewelry? bake? take photos or videos ? sell your own produce or anything else that earns you extra cash? Send Yearbook your picture doing what you do and maybe you’ll gain extra clients. Send your name, short description of your business and a picture to this email. Let us celebrate you and your hard work. All information needs to be sent by January 31st, so don’t delay! ATTENTION ALL BOYS INTERESTED IN PLAYING VOLLEYBALL: We are having open gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm. Please make sure that you have completed your physicals prior to showing up. Hope to see you out there! These are your announcements for today have a great weekend!